Abscissa counterpart
Abscissa counterpart

abscissa counterpart

Additional information, consistent with the results obtained by plotting the pseudo-equilibrium data, can be obtained form the equivolatility diagram: (1) for both entrainers, will be the distillate product of the extractive column, since the isovolatility curve intersects the - edge (2) higher relative volatilities are obtained with, indicating that it is a better entrainer than and (3) the abscissa of the magenta (green) dot ( and for and, respectively) corresponds to the minimum amount of ( ) needed to break the azeotrope.

abscissa counterpart

Since you landed on this page then you would like to know the answer to Abscissa's counterpart. Our site contains over 2.8 million crossword clues in which you can find whatever clue you are looking for. The position of the green and magenta dots on the - edge of the triangular diagram indicates that less is required to break the azeotrope. Thank you for visiting our website Below you will be able to find the answer to Abscissa's counterpart crossword clue. This optimal entrainer is confirmed by looking at equivolatility diagrams. By varying the amount of entrainer, it is clear that the cyan dot disappears first, which indicates that is the preferred entrainer (i.e., lower entrainer to azeotropic feed molar flow ratio, and lower energy consumption in the entrainer recovery column), resulting in a more economical separation.

abscissa counterpart

Moreover, these control laws are the counterparts of the standard Proportional Derivative (PD) and Proportional Integral Derivative (PID) controllers. As the amount of entrainer is increased, the location of the intersection of the pseudo-equilibrium plot with the 45° line (represented by a cyan ( ) or orange ( ) dot) (see snapshot 3) moves to higher mole fractions of, and then eventually disappears. It is worth noting that tuning of some of these controllers relies on the use of the spectral abscissa analysis methods. In this plot, the blue and red curves are the pseudo-equilibrium plots for with the addition of and, respectively. The pseudo-equilibrium curve represents the mole fraction of on a entrainer-free basis in the vapor phase ( ) versus its liquid phase counterpart ( ). The nonideal thermodynamic properties of the ternary system are accounted for using a Wilson model (parameter values are taken from the Aspen thermodynamic database). In this Demonstration, we evaluate two entrainers: dimethyl sulfoxide ( ) and ethylene glycol ( ). How do you explain abscissa and ordinate The vertical axis of a graph is known as the ordinate and the horizontal axis of a graph is known as the abscissa.

Abscissa counterpart